Wednesday 4 April 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

All together I created a film poster and a front cover of a magazine and then around a 2 minute trailer that me and my partner worked on as our main product. All these products come together as a promotional package towards the actual ‘film’ which is non existence but because of everything that has been created they all look like they are trying to promote the actual film that is coming out in July.

My film poster is a good representation of my trailer because it shows all three main characters using a long shot size which is using intertextuality from the trailer and you can see how the characters on the poster entices the audience and creates enigma as in why the two girls are fighting for the boy in the middle. I thought the long shot looked good for the film poster as you can see everything from head to toe of the characters and there is nothing to hide or leave to the audience to imagine something different, it is also shows the characters full body language and actions. The poster compliments the trailer completely as it shows the three main characters and the central signifier is literally the boy in the middle so he is what the film is called, ‘Under the Spotlight’.

On my film poster ‘fight to be in the spotlight’ is the tagline because it represents a fight to get to the top, I think it is anchored and clearly represents a fight and getting the attention.
The front cover main image of the magazine is a solo image of the main boy, Greg to signify that he is literally under the spotlight with the two girls fighting to get him. His facial expression looks almost scared and uncomfortable; also he looks like he is in a trap and can’t drift the attention away from him. I used the ‘greyscale’ effect on a program I used called Photobucket which allows you to edit photos and change their colouring/ lighting. I thought the greyscale looked more enticing and effective also it was different to most of the film magazines out there so created a variety and definitely looks more polished and professional. 

 I also wanted just to use Greg by himself because it would complement the film poster showing all 3 characters but instead just focusing on him only which I personally think is very effective. 

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