Wednesday 4 April 2012

How did I use media technologies to help with the construction of my portfolio?

The internet mainly has been an important feature when researching and doing parts for my trailer, by using many websites and looking on YouTube I have been able to see many other film trailers, posters and magazines to see what my own products should end up looking like.

We edited our film on a school program called 'Adobe Premiere elements 10' which took a lot of time getting used to because of the detailed and complicated segments but once you got the hand of things you could tell the difference between the quality of the footage compared to movie maker for example.

Sound- We used various different things when testing out what sound to use for example I found a royalty free sound website that me and my partner took different types of sounds and music from to compare with our trailer. We couldn't find a suitable sound so I got one of my friends that took music for A level playing piano and asked him whether he would be able to play a short 2 minute tune from the piano. We booked out the recording studio in our school's music department and got hold of a high tech audio recorder. This worked well and when we transferred the tune onto the computer and then on to our film it sounded good so we decided to keep with the sound as it gave the trailer a more uplifting and energetic/comical feel.
  It was hard to keep cutting and cropping the piano in and out from when we wanted the music to start again during the trailer as we had to time everything perfectly so the sound began as soon as captions came across the screen but I think once we played around with the timeline on the program it became a lot easier!

Editing- This at first was hard and because we had to learn how to do things from scratch, it made things a lot harder but this meant that everything we did would be our work done properly and after a few tries we got the hang of the system quite well. We learned how to do things like slow motion and make certain scenes drag on for longer which is something we definitely would have struggled with before, also adding captions throughout the trailer created versilimilitude because all conventional trailer have to have captions run across the screen to give some sort of storyline.


Working with my partner when filming was a big part of the process because we had to work together to get certain camera shots and angles working correctly. We both had to decide and agree what kind of music should be considered and whether to change bits of our filming to come up with a better final outcome? so it was tricky at times but mostly all the time we gave each other help and advice on what to do next of we were stuck, this mainly happened when the program wasn't doing everything we wanted it to do so we needed to go back a few steps and be patient!

Photoshop & Publisher- I made a lot of my ancillary tasks on publisher and edited them on photoshop for extra effects and a higher quality. I found that publisher was the one where I could transfer images and texts to easily but photoshop allowed me to expand and increase the quality of some images by editing any unnecessary flaws to make it more professional. You could crop, add text, change effects and contrast images which was very helpful when  coming up with my ancillary final outcomes.

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