Friday 9 December 2011


When thinking about our ident we wanted to make sure that it associated with our trailer so we came up with the name of 'Shooting Star Productions'. After a lot of thought we decided that the star tied in with the whole point of being a 'star' and shining in the school show. The name signifies stardom and fame and the background image which is the mellow moon in the night sky suggests a 'romantic' vibe, this is good because it's what we wanted to achieve as we have chosen to do a romantic comedy. We used a publisher and photobucket found the background that looked suitable.

This is our final outcome of our ident. I like the overall effect and think the atmosphere it creates is very much a part of what our film is meant to be about. The most difficult thing was to edit the shooting star going through the sky because it consisted of moving it up each time in each shot.

Monday 5 December 2011


Sofar, me and my partner have filmed some auditions that we are going to show short clips of in our trailer. We had to ask to use our schools main hall and stage whenever it was free, we also had to ask for permission to get use of the stage lights to make the auditions as if they were really happening. Although, there was a lot of staging that needed to be done we ended up with some realistic shots from different angles.

Similarly, last week we shot the hallway scene which shows the geek, Miranda walking down by herself with her school books and then a group of 'bullies' pushing her out the way. She then drops her books all over the floor and they all laugh at her.

We made sure some students brought costume to fit the stereotype.

The Judges

These scenes show some of the footage me and my partner took during the process of filming which was difficult at times but very fun to do. You can see how the teachers acted very well and it all looked very realistic, I thought they did a very good job and it did add a lot of humour to the trailer.

Extra Footage


This was the first time we filmed the sabotage in the toilets and this first take didn't quite flow as I was a bit slow in panning to follow the girls so we shot it again and worked out better.

The link above shows some of our filming of a corridor scene where Miranda is 'stealing' Greg from Millie (the geek) as she makes her jealous by showing off Greg and walking straight down the corridor on purpose knowing that Millie will see her and be upset. The humourous side to this scene is where just after Miranda walks past there is a boy looking really shy sliding down the wall. This is very comical because it shows that even the boy fancies Greg!