Monday 31 October 2011

Synopsis of Our Film Trailer

After thinking about different plots for our Trailer, me and my group partner decided to do a romantic comedy about two girls fighting over the main character in the school show so they can be in the show with the popular boy in school. This is all towards my A2 Media Portfolio.

The plot is about two school girls, one being a popular girl Eva that everyone knows and pays attention to, you can see she is the type of girl who gets everything she wants when she wants it and then on the other hand there is a not so popular girl, Miranda is the complete opposite to Eva, everything about her is nerdy and quirky and is never really 'processed' as being present by other people. Although, they are very different they do have one thing in common, and that is having a crush on the same boy, Greg. He is very confident and 'good looking' to which he always gets a main part in the school show every year. For once Miranda wants to achieve her goal to try and get herself noticed by him, the only way she can acomplish this is by getting the other main part in the the show by auditioning and getting through. However, Eva auditions aswell for the same part to be the main girl. Throughout they both get competitive and try to sabotage one another several times throughout the film, this is the comedy aspect to it as they foolishly act immature all to get that one part. Miranda shocks everyone by her hiden talent and sings a beautiful song, by this she thinks she may actually have a chance in getting the main part so decides to present herself better which makes other students notice her. Eva also delievers a good audition but what Miranda finds out is that she is actually lip singing, she is annoyed by this because she realises that all these years Eva has been cheating and actually isn't that good after all. Miranda wants to prove how good she can be and how bad Eva really is, by doing this she needs to come up with a plan to show Eva up.
Throughout the film there are ups and downs all to win one boy, who will get the main part?

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Ideas towards a short film/trailer

I have looked at several short films and trailers to learn and observe the techniques used to create an effective story for the viewer.

Me and my group partner thought about doing a 'Romantic Comedy' and a teaser trailer as it would be interesting to include humour and therefore the audience can establish a certain genre. By chosing to do a trailer we know it has to be catchy and attention grabbing towards the audience, I think if we can make it look like other romantic comedy trailers we will hopefully meet the criteria in the marking system. We both personally prefer rom com's rather than horror and wanted to do something a little different than other people so this is partly why we have chosen to do this certain type of film as they appeal to us more. Although it will be challenging we think overall if we work hard and plan everything out perfectly than the outcome should be deserving.

Some short films that I watched to familiarise myself with romantic comedy trailers are:

'When in Rome'

    From the start of this trailer it automatically grabs the audiences attention with a skyline of New York City, from this, a setting is established and we know where the film is going to take place for most of the film. There is a quick edit that shows a birds eye view of a fancy party going on in something that looks like a museum where everyone is enjoying themselves, as the camera pans throughout the place it focuses on one person, the camera pauses quickly and the screen splits to a split screen showing a still medium close up of one of the main characters, Beth. Everything is very fast pace from then and we see short clips of her from the movie doing everyday things. This grasps the concept of the typical conventions of a trailer for example, it should portray short clips from the movie and let the audience know who the main characters are. The first 20 seconds show us Beth life, we get the impression that she is a buisness woman, maybe a co ordinator for events? We can already sense some humour with jokes from Beth and others around her.

'The Proposal'

'Love and other drugs'

These are just some rom com trailers that I have looked at but there are many more. They all are catchy and potray a little what the film is going to be about.

The main conventions that I have discovered are: they all establish a plot so we as the audience get a sense what it might be about and therefore want to go and watch it, this is one of the main selling points on a trailer because if it is an interesting plot then it will attract more audiences. Futhermore, main characters are established so it might be actors we are familar with so will make us go and watch it more, also if a character acts or comes across in a certain way then some people might want to associate with them. Lastly I found that trailers should include scenes that are the most attention grabbing in the film through a cleverly designed movie trailer.